
Showing posts from 2013

Secrets to Getting Your Articles Read

You've spent hours doing your research, another hour preparing your outline and then you started writing. To you, it's a masterpiece but when you published it online, nobody seems to want to read it. In this article, I will show you the secrets to getting your articles read and appreciated by others and not just by your family and friends. When writing articles for an Internet audience, you must first and foremost be readable. This audience will not sit in front of their computer and stare at your article wasting time deciphering what you're trying to say. They are what I call "the fast food generation" where their demands have to be served fast. 1. Write for an 8th Grader Write your article as if you're writing to an 8th grader. If your 8th grader son can read and understand your article then you have a good article to attract this audience. However, this does not imply that this audience is not intelligent. They just have a short attention span or per

Two Very Important Steps to Achieve Your Ideal Weight

Who doesn't want to be slim and sexy? Who doesn't want to look like a supermodel instead of a sack of potatoes? But to become slim and sexy like a supermodel requires a lot of work. Here are two tips for you who aspire to be America's Next Top Model. No, seriously just to be slim and healthy will do.  Let's face it. We all want to be thin and fit but with all the delicious food easily obtainable and affordable, it will take all of our strengths to refuse a slice of that chocolate cake or a scoop of that vanilla ice cream or that mouth-watering, delicious hamburger.  You don't even have to step out of your house to get all these ready-made fatty food. Almost all fast food restaurants will deliver to your doorstep. Food is just a phone call away. And now available 24/7. What can fat people like us do? At least, if they don't have a delivery service, we might think twice about getting into the car and driving all the way to the restaurant. Now that they deli