Secrets to Getting Your Articles Read

You've spent hours doing your research, another hour preparing your outline and then you started writing. To you, it's a masterpiece but when you published it online, nobody seems to want to read it. In this article, I will show you the secrets to getting your articles read and appreciated by others and not just by your family and friends.

When writing articles for an Internet audience, you must first and foremost be readable. This audience will not sit in front of their computer and stare at your article wasting time deciphering what you're trying to say. They are what I call "the fast food generation" where their demands have to be served fast.

1. Write for an 8th Grader

Write your article as if you're writing to an 8th grader. If your 8th grader son can read and understand your article then you have a good article to attract this audience. However, this does not imply that this audience is not intelligent. They just have a short attention span or perhaps they have too much to do that they cannot concentrate too long on one thing especially if it is unreadable.

writing with a pen
Image Source : Pexels

2. Use short sentences

Short sentences are easy to read. It's easy on the eyes and easy on the mind. You don't want your reader to get lost finding the subject of your sentence when he reaches the end of the sentence and not knowing what you're talking about.

3. Use bullets 

Not the kind that can kill but the kind that will list your points so that the reader can skim through your article very quickly and still know what your article is all about. Internet audience usually does not have the time and patience to read through every single word that you've written. So putting bullets will make their reading easier and your article readable.

4. Tell a story 
storytelling, storyteller
Image Source : Pixabay

Everybody loves stories. It doesn't need to be a true story but it must illustrate the point you're making to the audience. Can't find a good story? Start flipping through your old fairy tale books and try to make it relate to your article.

5. Use concrete examples 

When explaining a difficult concept or procedures, use examples. This will help clarify your points. If, for example, you're trying to explain how to hide url affiliate links, show how it is done. Give an example of a url, then the hidden link. If possible, let the reader try the link.

6. Use short paragraphs

Three to four sentences per paragraph should suffice in putting your ideas across to the reader. Long paragraphs turn people off. Most of us do not like to read. So, if you make your paragraphs short, the reader will not hesitate to go through your article. If you make your paragraph long, a reader might just skip that paragraph and go to the next one because they might think that the rest of the paragraph is just padding.

7. Use images 

People like pictures. And it helps to break the boredom of looking at text. This is the reason why video presentation is very popular now online. My daughter does nothing but watch videos online. She can't be bothered to read anymore.

Readability is the secret to writing articles that get read. You don't have to be a rocket scientist just be readable and it's not that difficult.


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