How Not to Get Your Adsense Account Deleted

To prevent your Adsense account from getting deleted is something that all website and blog owners who display Google ads on their site can do. All you need to do is to follow the rules that Google has laid down in its policy.

Here are four of the most important rules that you must comply to in order to prevent Google from deleting your Adsense account.

1. Do not click on your own ads.

You're not to ever click on your own ads. You think Google will not notice but Google monitors where the ad clicks on your website and blog are coming from. If the clicks are generated from your IP address, Google won't hesitate to cancel your account.

With so many websites and blogs displaying Google ads, it's not practical for Google to monitor all of them all the time. What Google does is to wait for your account to reach payout which is $100 and for you to request payment, then Google will check all your ad clicks and where they came from. If you haven't been clicking on your own ads, then you have nothing to worry about. You will get paid.

If you've reached payout only to find out that Google has detected a few invalid clicks then it's such a waste of your time just to reach payout to find that Google has canceled your Adsense account.

It's best that you monitor your own website and blog and if you discover any invalid clicks and any strange activities like a sudden surge of clicks from one source, report them to Google before Google decides to cancel your account.

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Image Source : Wikipedia
2.  Do not prompt visitors to click on your ads.

I have come across a few blogs where the blog owner encourages her visitors to click on her ads so as to help her maintain her blog. This practice is frowned upon by Google. If the content on your blog is interesting and if the visitors who come to your blog are highly targeted, they'll click on your ads without any prompting.

3. Do not place Google ads on pages displaying undesirable content.

Google doesn't want to be linked to content that is pornographic, violent, gambling-related and drugs-related. Content that portrays activities that are viewed negatively by the general public are not favored by Google.

4. Do not use traffic exchanges.

Google considers traffic source from traffic exchanges as useless as the visitors are not targeted and the clicks resulting from this traffic source doesn't result in sales. This is to protect Google's advertisers from invalid clicks.

If you've complied with all the rules that Google has set, then you don't have to worry about having your Adsense account canceled by Google.


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