Four Dating Tips for Women to Find the Perfect Man

‘Love may just be a chapter in a boy’s life, but to a girl, it’s the whole story’. A well said quote that I think sums up a woman’s search for Mr Right quite succinctly. Ever since anyone can remember, women have been searching for the ‘perfect guy’ when it comes to dating. We all know that there’s no such thing as perfect when it comes to us mere mortals, but that’s not to say that you can’t find your true love in life. However, the ‘how’ of this is difficult to pinpoint.

How can a woman tell for sure if the guy she’s looking at is someone who’ll be true to her or just someone who’s in it for fun? Here are four dating tips on how to find Mr Right..

Follow your instinct
finding the right man, dating tips for women, women's dating tips
Image Source : pxhere
First impressions are so important when meeting someone since it sticks with you for the rest of your relationship, consciously or otherwise. However, if you’ve been with the guy for months and you suddenly get that niggling feeling that he’s just not that good for you, or that he’s no longer that man you first met, then follow your intuition and leave him (but nicely).

Just because he used to be kind and delightful in the beginning, it doesn’t mean you should always depend on that and stay with him even when he starts giving you bad vibes.

Be confident

Like your instinct, you shouldn’t ever allow your main man to undermine your feelings. If he starts treating you less than how you know you deserve, then kindly show him to the door. Don’t be fooled by his charms just because he showed interest in you. Chances are, he’s used the same moves on other unfortunate women. Don’t settle just because you think you wouldn’t find anyone better than him.

If a man doesn’t treat his woman right, then another one will. Don’t let him bully you and cut him off immediately if he ever tries.

Houston, we have a problem

When you enter a relationship, make sure you keep a steady head on your shoulders and don’t be swept off to space from the giddiness. New love is always an exciting adventure, but you should always be cautious. If you give yourself away too much, too soon, you’ll lose sight of yourself and allow the chance for you to get hurt.

It’s okay to want to be in love, but always be aware of what’s going on so you don’t end up being burned.

Herd instinct

Don’t ever let your roommates or your friends decide for you who you should date, especially if the guy they choose is someone you know isn’t up to your standards or just isn’t your type. If they like the guy so much, then they can have him. You shouldn’t date someone just because everyone around you thinks you should.

Remember, you know yourself best, so who you should date is a decision you yourself should make, based on your own opinions and preferences.

Lastly, here are three major clues of a guy that you should just cut loose:
promises to be true, loyalty
Image Source : Pixabay
1 He makes promises he never keeps (‘I’ll call you back’. And never does.)

2 He doesn’t introduce you to his closest friends. (He’s either embarrassed of you, or he’s keeping secrets.)

3 He rushes you into sleeping with him. (Love doesn’t necessarily equate to sex.)

Bearing all of the above in mind, you’re now equipped with the proper defenses to delve into dating with minimal chances of getting hurt. So get out there and find yourself the right man!


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