Four Reasons Why You Should Not Be Dating

  The aim of dating is to look for a companion with whom you want to share your life experiences. However, there are some times in your life when you should not even be thinking about dating. Here are four reasons why you should not be dating.

 You’re married

Anyone with half a mind would realize that this is possibly the most inappropriate time when anyone would decide to start dating. Being married means you’re committed to someone already, which makes you off-limits and makes everyone else who is not your spouse effectively invalid to you. Wanting to date when you’re already married is downright cruel to all parties involved, including yourself.
Freshly divorced
divorce papers, separation
Image Source : Pxhere
It might actually sound like a good idea for you to immediately look for a new significant other during this stage. But post-divorce situations are messy and you might want to reconsider dating while readjusting to life as a single person. Take a year or two off, first, and get your life back on track before deciding to get into another relationship.
Just Got Fired

A lot of people would gladly support their significant other who is currently jobless or low on luck. However, this sort of thing isn’t healthy for either party. If you’re unemployed, don’t ever consider dating anyone. First of all, your date might be cool with it for the first few weeks, or even months, but eventually, they’ll grow to resent you and see you as a moocher. Relationships like these never work out well. So if you’ve recently lost a job, then it is highly advised for you to look for another one first before jumping into a relationship with someone.
Losing interest but still together
divorce, partners divorcing, marriage dissolution
Image Source : publicdomainpictures
It’s not uncommon for couples to break off due to wavering interests. Sometimes you just don’t feel as in love as you used to. However, you shouldn’t ever try dating another person if you’re still with someone, even if you’re planning on breaking up with them. If you really want to look for other prospective relationships, you should let your partner know about your feelings first and throw your cards on the table. You don’t want to be seen as a two-timer.

There are other situations that you can think of that are not conducive for you to be thinking about dating. It’s up to you to decide them. Dating is definitely something positive in everyone’s lives, but you should always remember the responsibility you have towards yourself and the people you plan on dating. You should know what you’re doing and whether it’s the right thing at the right time.  


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